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YuGiOh Spell Ruler Booster Box - 25th Anniversary Reprint - WholeSale


YuGiOh Spell Ruler Booster Box - 25th Anniversary Reprint - WholeSale

YuGiOh Spell Ruler Booster Box - 25th Anniversary Reprint - WholeSale

Spell Ruler was the third Yu-Gi-Oh! booster set ever released and was the first appearance of Ritual Spell Cards, Ritual Monsters, and Quick-Play Spell Cards like Mystical Space Typhoon. This was the first appearance of Pegasus’ Toon World and Toon monsters from the first Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series, including the beloved Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon! Joining them were powerful Spell Cards like Delinquent Duo, Snatch Steal, and Painful Choice. This printing will feature both Secret Rares from the set. 104 cards in total. Sealed box contains 24 Booster Packs. Each pack has 9 cards including one rare one.

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Spell Ruler was the third Yu-Gi-Oh! booster set ever released and was the first appearance of Ritual Spell Cards, Ritual Monsters, and Quick-Play Spell Cards like Mystical Space Typhoon. This was the first appearance of Pegasus’ Toon World and Toon monsters from the first Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series, including the beloved Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon! Joining them were powerful Spell Cards like Delinquent Duo, Snatch Steal, and Painful Choice. This printing will feature both Secret Rares from the set. 104 cards in total. Sealed box contains 24 Booster Packs. Each pack has 9 cards including one rare one.

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