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Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague (RRR)


Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague (RRR)

Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague (RRR)

[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (3) & Soul Blast (3) & Choose a card named Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague from your hand, and discard it] Retire all of your opponent's rear-guards.
[CONT](VC):During your turn, all of your opponent's trigger effects are nullified.
[CONT](VC):During the battle that this unit attacks a vanguard, your opponent cannot call grade 0 units from hand to (GC).
[CONT](RC):This unit gets [Power]-1000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)

Flame Dragon/Kagero
Normal Unit
Large image
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KK Price: £3.95

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[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (3) & Soul Blast (3) & Choose a card named Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague from your hand, and discard it] Retire all of your opponent's rear-guards.
[CONT](VC):During your turn, all of your opponent's trigger effects are nullified.
[CONT](VC):During the battle that this unit attacks a vanguard, your opponent cannot call grade 0 units from hand to (GC).
[CONT](RC):This unit gets [Power]-1000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
(RRR): The moment of calamity has arrived, Catastrophe Coagulation!
(SP): This is the new era, and the start of a new battle.
Type:Flame Dragon/Kagero
Properties:Twin Drive!!
Attributes:Normal Unit

In Stock in stock

KK Price: £3.95