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The Winged Dragon of Ra


The Winged Dragon of Ra

The Winged Dragon of Ra

This card comes from the Dawn of the Destiny Xbox® game released in 2004. Spirits sing of a powerful creature that rules over all that is mystic.

Divine Beast
Secret Rare

Large ImageLarge image
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Sale - 20% off!£19.95

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This card comes from the Dawn of the Destiny Xbox® game released in 2004. Spirits sing of a powerful creature that rules over all that is mystic.
Tribute three monsters to summon Ra. Attack and Defence become equal to the combined attack and defence of monsters sacrificed. (Note that this means if you reborn Ra he will have zero points). You can also give up any number of your life points to increase Ra's attack and defence by the same number.
Type:Divine Beast
Rarity:Secret Rare

In Stock in stock

Sale - 20% off!£19.95