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Interdimensional Dragon, Warp Drive Dragon (GR)


Interdimensional Dragon, Warp Drive Dragon (GR)

Interdimensional Dragon, Warp Drive Dragon (GR)

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] Stride this card on your (VC) from face down.
Time Leap-[ACT](VC)[1/Turn]:[Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)] Choose a face down card from your G zone, and you may turn it face up. Choose up to the same number of your rear-guards as the number of face up cards named Interdimensional Dragon, Warp Drive Dragon in your G zone, time leap them, choose one of your opponent's rear-guards with grade less than or equal to the number of cards time leaped with this effect, and your opponent puts that unit to the bottom of his or her deck.

/Gear Chronicle
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 584 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'G-FC03-006', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £1.95

In Stock in stock

[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] Stride this card on your (VC) from face down.
Time Leap-[ACT](VC)[1/Turn]:[Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)] Choose a face down card from your G zone, and you may turn it face up. Choose up to the same number of your rear-guards as the number of face up cards named Interdimensional Dragon, Warp Drive Dragon in your G zone, time leap them, choose one of your opponent's rear-guards with grade less than or equal to the number of cards time leaped with this effect, and your opponent puts that unit to the bottom of his or her deck.
One who has exceeded the speed of light. In other words, the hope to surpass light.
Type:/Gear Chronicle

In Stock in stock

KK Price: £1.95