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Duelist Saga

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Imperial Order (Ultra Rare)

Negate all Spell effects on the field. Once per turn, during the Standby Phase, you must pay 700 LP (this is not optional), or this card is destroyed.

Trap Card
Ultra Rare
Trap Card
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN049', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £1.85

In Stock in stock

Necrovalley (Ultra Rare)

All Gravekeeper's monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF. Cards in the Graveyard cannot be banished. Negate any card effect that would move a card in the Graveyard to a different place. Negate any card effect that changes Types or Attributes in the Graveyard.

Ultra Rare
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN050', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £7.95

In Stock in stock

D.D. Warrior Lady (Ultra Rare)

After damage calculation, when this card battles an opponent's monster: You can banish that monster, also banish this card.

Warrior / Effect
Ultra Rare
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN051', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £1.45

In Stock in stock

Tsukuyomi (Ultra Rare)

Cannot be Special Summoned. If this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up: Target 1 face-up monster on the field; change that target to face-down Defense Position. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Normal Summoned or flipped face-up this turn: Return it to the hand.

Spellcaster / Spirit / Effect
Ultra Rare
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN052', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £4.95

In Stock in stock

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning (Ultra Rare)

Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard. Once per turn, you can activate 1 of these effects.
● Target 1 monster on the field; banish that target face-up. This card cannot attack the turn this effect is activated.
● If this attacking card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, after damage calculation: It can make a second attack in a row.

Warrior / Effect
Ultra Rare
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN053', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £3.75

In Stock in stock

Dark Magician of Chaos (Ultra Rare)

During the End Phase, if this card was Normal or Special Summoned this turn: You can target 1 Spell Card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand. You can only use this effect of Dark Magician of Chaos once per turn. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, after damage calculation: Banish that opponent's monster. If this face-up card would leave the field, banish it instead.

Spellcaster / Effect
Ultra Rare
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN054', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £1.45

In Stock in stock

Monster Gate (Ultra Rare)

Tribute 1 monster; excavate cards from the top of your Deck until you excavate a monster that can be Normal Summoned/Set. Special Summon it, also send the other excavated cards to the Graveyard.

Spell Card
Ultra Rare
Spell Card
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN055', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £0.95

In Stock in stock

Doomcaliber Knight (Ultra Rare)

Cannot be Special Summoned. During either player's turn, if a monster effect is activated: Tribute this face-up card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that monster.

Fiend / Effect
Ultra Rare
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN056', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £0.55

In Stock in stock

Cyber Dragon (Ultra Rare)

If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).

Machine / Effect
Ultra Rare
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN057', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £2.25

In Stock in stock

Treeborn Frog (Ultra Rare)

Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard and you do not control Treeborn Frog: You can Special Summon this card. You must control no Spell/Trap Cards to activate and to resolve this effect.

Aqua / Effect
Ultra Rare
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN058', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £4.75

In Stock in stock

Dandylion (Ultra Rare)

If this card is sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 2 Fluff Tokens (Plant-Type/WIND/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position. These Tokens cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon during the turn they are Special Summoned.

Plant / Effect
Ultra Rare
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN059', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £2.95

In Stock in stock

Dimensional Fissure (Ultra Rare)

Any monster sent to the Graveyard is banished instead.

Spell Card
Ultra Rare
Spell Card
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 772 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'DUSA-EN060', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £1.75

In Stock in stock

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