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Accident Celestial, Batarel (R)


Accident Celestial, Batarel (R)

Accident Celestial, Batarel (R)

[ACT](VC): Legion20000 Dosage Celestial, Asmodel or Control Celestial, He-el
[AUTO](VC):When this unit Legion, put the top of your deck into your damage zone face up, choose a face up card from your damage zone, call it to (RC), and if you have a face up card in your damage zone with the same card name as a unit on your (VC), the unit called with this effect gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit is placed on (VC), look at three cards from the top of your deck, search for a card from among them, put it into your damage zone face up, put the rest into your drop zone, and choose a face up card from your damage zone, and heal it.

/Angel Feather
Normal Unit
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 139 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'G-BT04-025', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £0.35

In Stock in stock

[ACT](VC): Legion20000 Dosage Celestial, Asmodel or Control Celestial, He-el
[AUTO](VC):When this unit Legion, put the top of your deck into your damage zone face up, choose a face up card from your damage zone, call it to (RC), and if you have a face up card in your damage zone with the same card name as a unit on your (VC), the unit called with this effect gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit is placed on (VC), look at three cards from the top of your deck, search for a card from among them, put it into your damage zone face up, put the rest into your drop zone, and choose a face up card from your damage zone, and heal it.
I'm not perfect. That's why, I understand pain.
Type:/Angel Feather
Properties:Twin Drive!!
Attributes:Normal Unit

In Stock in stock

KK Price: £0.35